Monday, June 27, 2011

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  • AabTuAgaGC
    01-23 02:47 PM
    Finally got approval e-mail today after 180 bloody torturing days.:mad: Just in time for my travel on Feb 2nd. Still don't know if I will receive it before that.

    Just to let you guys know, those of you who have passed their 3 months processing time limit, do make an infopass appointment. I did the same,got LUD in 3 days and approval in a week. Good luck to everyone who is waiting.

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  • seahawks
    09-09 11:55 PM
    and i am NOT the real Lou Dobbs. But in all seriousness guy, I think we really have to wake up. We are illegal immigrants....
    And we are not asking for Amnesty...

    There is no deying the fact that this country has benefited from us much than us. How about some moral abligation and sense of fairness from this great country???

    Wish you could attend the rally. "Waking up" equals coming to the rally:) Thank you for contribution, appreciate very much.

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  • Aah_GC
    06-11 01:20 PM
    You both are right. It is definitely not about quitting or winning, it is making the best decision in cognizance to your career and life goals. For some it might be fighting the EB cause, for some it might just be moving to Cananda or India. Either way, life is as such is supposed to be a rolling stone, most of the mass we carry is just a burden that comes in our way of experiencing true happiness and joy.

    Did you ever hear the proverb "quitters never win" and winners never quit.

    Quit here go to Canada and then face some problems there and then quit canada. And then you will become the rolling stone which gathers no mass. Your family will be sick of your shifting then and no stabilization will cause more issues.

    A friend of mine told me this one evening when I was really frustrated and was planning to quit my dream on being an entrepreneur and here I am now, and I think where I am right now is for the reason that I didn't quit that day and finally my product was liked by a company and they bought the product and offered me a job as well and then one thing lead to another and now I am settled with what I always wanted to do ( kinda not 100%) but its ok.

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  • inskrish
    09-28 09:53 PM
    Kidding aside, when I get my GC and then US citizenship, I will apply for a position in DHS....or in FBI.....

    Well, do you want to be the most cursed person in the world?:D



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  • eb3retro
    07-11 09:31 AM
    congratulations to all EB2'ers and hoping that one day there will be this kind of good news for eb3 folks who have been waiting pretty long.

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  • indio0617
    03-09 11:03 AM
    sen feinstein above amendment passes


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  • maveric979
    09-01 11:18 AM
    Landed on Apr 1999. Filed for LC in EB3 on 6-May-2002 and waiting in Q for ever and god knows when it become current

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  • GCSeekerCT
    03-04 07:34 PM
    I am on H1 and AOS and I refinanced my house at 5% . There were no issues and no questions. Just all the usual documents - W2 , paystubs etc etc . It was with a local bank too and not with any high profile institution.
    You mean Fancy, big building institution, I think. There are no high-profile banks left anymore. They lost their integrity in screwing people and are not to be trusted.


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  • aj1234567
    07-05 07:34 PM
    Hi Folks-
    We (5 People) work for IBM company, SFO, today we went personally to the congress men and we submit the letter which is provided in this forum and after that we called state senator office and we explained about our problem. We faxed and email the letter to the senator office, staff had taken my contact details and they told me that they will inform the solution in 2days.

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  • makemygc
    07-06 01:01 PM
    My lawyer told me that they are working on something to accept all applications which reached on july ... lets hope he is right.

    Dude enough of your and your lawyer's crap. I just checked your last post. This is what you claim your lawyer said and this was posted couple of days back.


    I called my lawyer he said the are accepting applications which reached there before 12:15. does anybody have news like that or he just lying....


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  • ramus
    07-06 05:24 PM
    07/06/2007: Temporary Restrain Order of July Visa Bulletin Lawsuit Filed in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois as Separate from AILF Class Action

    On July 6, 2007, the attorneys of Azulay, Horn & Seiden lawfirm filed this lawsuit individually in Illinois.

    From OH

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  • unseenguy
    02-08 05:33 AM
    If the girl is working and earning money, she has all the rights to spend the way she wants, including giving money to her parents. If she is not working, then help should be based only on humanitarian basis because we never know when one's financial situation changes. I can't understand how any girl can force her husband to spend for her parents and siblings especially when she is not earning.

    Absolutely wrong. If husband and wife are filing a joint tax return, it is wrong on her part to send money to her parents without informing her husband. Leave the taxes, it was simply wrong on a wife's/husband's part to do ANY major money transaction without letting your other partner know. Its equivalent of cheating (just financial cheating). Do you think it is ok for a man to send money to his parents?


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  • eb3_nepa
    07-14 01:33 PM
    sent $10.00 instead of $5 to make up for someone that doesn't.:)
    Used Bank Bill Pay Conf : 119124506

    WAY to go hariswaminathan. THAT is the spirit.

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  • susie
    07-08 11:12 PM

    Expatsvoice has written is own draft legislation to amend the CSPA, as it is badly written, confusing to many including attorneys and Geoff Gorsky, head of VO and does not protect all children from aging out

    This legislation has been passed from Dave Weldons office to his legislators in Washington, we are awaiting to hear the outcome

    Also expats voice are being interviewed for a 6 week radio program on all problems relating to US immigration. will try and update here when I get any news


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  • deepimpact
    08-23 09:29 AM
    deepimpact, shame on you to think like this. This is just one more of example of how ignorant the immigrant community is about the ground realities of these law changes in the employment-based immigration rules which includes H1B, L1s, EB apps etc.

    1. The neufield memo of Employer-employee relationship & giving not 3 years of H1B visas but in some cases depending on the contract 3 months of H1B visas.
    2. The fee hikes of H1B & L1 visas.
    3. Make EB1, EB2 etc more strict to make it almost impossible to get anymore EB2 apps approved. BTW there is nothing which stops them from issuing another memo to review all EB2/EB3 I-140 approval and revise the approvals & deny them if deemed necessary. What would you say then?

    You completely missed the point. Put the events in chronological order and you will realize why IV Core insists on meeting lawmakers. Pretty soon, there will be no avenues even with a lot of legitimate experience for an immigrant unless they end up winning nobel prizes....sorry there are not many nobel prize winners in this world and I have not met one so far.

    Anyway, hope others continue to meet the lawmakers leaving your EB2-EB3 divide to ask them for recapture and removal of country limits.


    I aplogize if I hurt someone. But don't shoot the messenger, I was trying to enumerate the possible impacts of the memo. And looking at current changes to employment based immigration policies be it about H1B,L1 or EB it appears they are trying to clamp down on rather lose interpretation of minimum requirements for these visa categories which has led to overuse and abuse of them.for e.g H1B going to lottery on the very first day in 2008.
    But it seems these specifications are about EB1 and EB2 with exceptional ability (not with advance degree category) where the requriements is just a list of 10 items without any emphasis on what is defined as a succesful crietria of meeting those items.

    I guess you may have got pissed off with my third point , believe me I am not one here to create EB2-EB3 divide. Because no change in legislation is going to be for a particular EB category, it needs to be for the entire EB. Be it visa recapture, per country limit removal or dependants not being counted.

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  • ItIsNotFunny
    03-12 02:30 PM
    I do not support this donor ONLY idea.
    Also, Day 1, the FOIA initiative had a goal of $5K.
    And without reason, the goal was increased to $10K.

    So, pappu should not complain of not reaching the goal when he keeps increasing the goal.
    stay consistent.

    OK. I take the blame for this. Pappu didn't increase the goal, I did.

    USCIS asked for $5K for information. As per Pappu's investigation, USCIS is currently resolving FOIA filed a year back. In that case even after paying 5K, we may get information after a year. We needed little more money keep our options open as we are determined to get this information from USCIS. This is why we needed more money and I raised the goal. If it can be done by 5K, rest of the money will go to IV lobbying efforts. There is nothing wrong in that.

    Core team may not like this but I can understand your point. There is a communication gap between IV Core team and members. Core team wants to hide everything they are doing assuming that anti are reading the forum and they will know what we are doing. On other side members feel uncomfortable as nothing comes out as solid / strong plan of action. There were couple of instances were I personally felt that core talks too much among themselves and release almost zero information to members, it may be good for community overall but not good for an organization where everyone is participating directly or indirectly. By recent posts by Pappu, I think they are improving.

    We need to give them a chance as anyways their act is selfless. They may be lagging in personal management but they are not bad by heart or doing anything for personal benefit.


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  • singhsa3
    09-12 10:01 AM
    Let us continue a debate on
    a) Pros of this idea
    b) Cons of this idea
    c) Alternative we might have.

    Also, please do not get emotionally attach to an idea let democratically select that is best for the community.
    Please limit to those ideas that are executable and within the bounds of law.

    The campaign will fail in my opinion. Because anytime you ask people to spend money, many will not. Such activity and motivation for the campaign will die out next week when visa bulletin fever is over. We will again get agitated next month same time. So unless we figure out a campaign idea that costs us no money, it is bound to fail. I am for a phone call campaign. Or if we really want to do something big, we should do a rally in DC with 10 thousand members.

    That is right. I said before and I am saying again. I am against sending flowers or calculators because.
    1. They cost money (Some people may not do that just because of that).
    2. USCIS will like those toys for their kids (Please come out of the movie mood, movies impress a lot but they are a lot different from real life). Believe me they will treat these things as wonderful gifts and we will end up spending time and money for these.
    3. It will not make any difference to USCIS.
    4. USCIS can always redirect all those flowers to orphanage or other places, what they cannot do is redirect our posters trying to put them to shame.
    I have been appealing a lot about this. Why do not we have a letter compain along with posters which should put them to shame. These should not only be sent to USCIS, but also to the press, congressmen, president of US and yes the director of USCIS. I have created several posters here.
    The letter campaign thread is

    Does anybody here agree with me ? Singhsa, your thoughts ?

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  • tdasara
    07-05 11:17 PM
    Can anyone post the email of the reporter?

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  • pappu
    03-12 12:39 PM
    With this model can IV still claim to be a non-profit organization? It seems you are exchanging information in return of cold hard cash? :p

    Being a non-profit does not mean everything is free. Even some of our profession's organizations are non-profits and they want subscription to even login to their site. We are being very generous and providing everything for free and we will continue to do so to provide free access to immigrants on our site. Only a small donor area is for donors so that such members can have easy access to information and admins.

    07-06 01:29 PM
    When you come with such statement please give source?

    it seems they are planning to honor the July VB and make chanes in Aug VB. So I guess they will accept the applications in July. :rolleyes:

    03-14 10:44 PM
    Sent interfiling request on Mar-03 and raised a SR last week. No LUDs yet .....

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