Thursday, June 23, 2011

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  • newbee7
    07-05 12:16 PM
    We must try to aviod the I485/ EAD language though.

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  • bombay
    02-09 09:39 PM
    When a girl comes to US for a job as a nurse and starts earning a good salary. The parents try to get some money from her. they build good house to make a show. Once the money starts pouring in, the (brother)son wants to do some business, build a house, the relatives start. My wifes relatives (dad's sisters) called up for money. " you guys are earning good in US, we want to build a house. When can you send me couple of lakhs".
    I hate south indian nurses who came to US alone for jobs and more than that their parents who send them to earn money. I married a south indian nurse. The expectation from a daugther is more than a son because they tell their daughters once you become a nurse and go to US/UK or elsewhere i will start a business. "Our neighbour's daughter is in UK and they have a good house." Another great thing is once the girl is a nurse, guys come running to marry them and enjoy their life raising kids and the wife works at the hospital. I know several guys who got a green card through a nurse, works part time and take care of the kids. In that case the girl buys property at her dads house settles under her dad's wishes and should not do so when they married a person who earns the same salary as hers.
    I really don't understand the meaning of marriage if its like a slavery.

    My suggestion to those who are not married,
    Marriage is very good if both of them know their responsibilities. Before marriage know each other for more than 3 years then get married. talk about whats their thinking about marriage. IS she going to change her last name after marriage. This seems small but the surroundings make the life miserable after some years. How are you going to control the finances etc..
    As one of the old hindi dialogues, before marriage ... like moon(chand), after marriage .. like suraj (sun) and after having a baby - like a fire(juala).

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  • ragz4u
    03-08 01:13 PM
    Why is that some people are getting access and some people are note getting access to the judiciary committee hearing on immigration

    Senator Coburn is asking for an amendment (#06175) expedited removal of Illegal aliens

    Senator Kyl wants some barrier in certain cities of Arizona

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  • hazishak
    07-18 06:25 PM
    Since on 2nd July they said they will reject the AOS application, what if they would have done some rejection during that time, and by the time July filers get their application back, it is after 17th of August. In that circumstance, can you send the AOS application back arguing USCIS's mistake and ask them to take it back after 08/17 and would they take it back politely or reject it again.

    You just simply resend it.


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  • Aah_GC
    07-05 06:45 PM
    I think this is a valid question that is being asked and should be answered by IV core. Am always intrigued by our behind the scenes effort and the heck that is going on. I do not want to cross the line and judge the integrity on IV core, but would really like to know exactly what we are up to. At least we need to periodic conf calls and announcement of our efforts (and I understand there needs to be some secrecy with anti-immig watching us closely).

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  • gc28262
    07-06 09:14 AM
    I think it is time we threw away the concept that democracy is the best.
    Look at Obama the socialist and anti-immigrant law makers in this country who are playing to the gallery. Are they doing any good for this country ?

    I always prefer an open self nominated leader to a democratically elected leader.

    OP should work with IV core/even get involved in a serious conversation with core team to promote his ideas. I am sure core is open to suggestions and entertain discussions from well meaning members.


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  • rdoib
    07-23 10:33 PM
    it is like a lottery..ya it is..noone knows whats comes out out of the matrix...:)

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  • Macaca
    09-12 04:45 PM
    Illegal immigration (of course) is really hot in the VA area. They have had rally's and other events that were reported on front page of Washington Post.

    I am locating those reporters. It would help if we read those articles and write something based on the content. Something like: since you reported their rally, please report ours.


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  • MDix
    08-22 09:32 PM
    Simple English : EB2 will be more tough. They do have same strict guideline for EB1 also. If implemented then it will be tough to get EB2.


    5. Paragraph (2)(A) of Chapter 22.2(j) of the AFM is revised to read as follows:
    (A) Evaluation of Evidence Submitted in Support of a Petition for an Alien of Exceptional Ability. 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii) provides that, in order to show the requisite exceptional ability, the petition must be accompanied by at least three of six criteria (set forth in 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii)). ISOs should use a two-part analysis where the evidence is first counted and then considered in the context of a final merits determination.
    Part One: Evaluate Whether the Evidence Provided Meets at Least Three E21 Alien of Exceptional Ability Criteria. You must make a determination regarding whether the evidence submitted in the petition meets at least three criteria at 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii). Note: While ISOs must consider the quality and caliber of the evidence to determine whether a particular regulatory criterion has been met, the ISO should not make a determination relative to the alien�s claimed exceptional ability in Part One of the case analysis.
    (i) An official academic record showing that the alien has a degree, diploma, certificate, or similar award from a college, university, school, or other institution of learning relating to the area of exceptional ability;
    (ii) Evidence in the form of letter(s) from current or former employer(s) showing that the alien has at least ten years of full-time experience in the occupation for which he or she is being sought;
    (iii) A license to practice the profession or certification for a particular profession or occupation;
    (iv) Evidence that the alien has commanded a salary, or other remuneration for services, which demonstrates exceptional ability;
    Note: To satisfy this criterion, the evidence must show that the alien has commanded a salary or remuneration for services that is indicative of his or her claimed exceptional ability relative to others working in the field.
    (v) Evidence of membership in professional associations; or
    (vi) Evidence of recognition for achievements and significant contributions to the industry or field by peers, governmental entities, or professional or business organizations.
    Evaluation of Evidentiary Criteria in Certain Form I-140 Petitions (AFM Update AD 10-41)
    Page 16
    (vii) If the above standards do not readily apply to the beneficiary's occupation, the petitioner may submit comparable evidence to establish the beneficiary's eligibility.
    8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(iii) provides that petitioners may submit �comparable evidence� to establish an alien�s eligibility in cases where the standards set forth in 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii) do not apply. In cases where such comparable evidence is submitted, it is reasonable to require the petitioner to explain why 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii) does not apply.
    Part One: Evaluative Determination. The determination in Part One of the analysis is limited whether the evidence submitted satisfies at least three of the criteria at 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii) or the comparable evidence criterion in 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(iii). After determining that, by a preponderance of the evidence, those criteria have been met, the ISO should move on to Part Two of the analysis to make a separate merits-based determination of eligibility based on the totality of evidence presented.
    Part Two: Final Merits Determination. Meeting the minimum requirement by providing evidence three of the regulatory criteria does not, in itself, establish that the alien in fact meets the requirements for classification as an alien of exceptional ability under section 203(b)(2) of the INA. In Part Two of the analysis, you must consider all of the evidence to make a final merit determination of whether or not the petitioner has, by a preponderance of the evidence, shown that the beneficiary is at a degree of expertise significantly above that ordinarily encountered. Therefore, evidence submitted to establish exceptional ability must somehow place the alien above others in the field in order to fulfill the criteria; qualifications possessed by most members of a given field cannot demonstrate a degree of expertise "significantly above that ordinarily encountered." Note that section 203(b)(2)(C) of INA provides that mere possession of a degree, diploma, certificate or similar award from a college, university school or other institution of learning shall not by itself be considered sufficient evidence of exceptional ability. To meet the criterion set forth in 8 CFR 204.5(k)(3)(ii)(F), formal recognition in the form of certificates and other documentation that are contemporaneous with the alien�s claimed contributions and achievements may have more weight than letters prepared for the petition "recognizing" the alien's achievements.
    6. The existing text of paragraph (2)(B) of Chapter 22.2(j) of the AFM is removed and the paragraph is reserved.
    7. Technical Correction: The thirteenth paragraph in Chapter 22.2(b)(5)(B) of the AFM is revised to read as follows:
    For successor-in-interest purposes, the transfer of ownership may occur at any time after the filing of the original labor certification with DOL.
    Evaluation of Evidentiary Criteria in Certain Form I-140 Petitions (AFM Update AD 10-41)
    Page 17
    8. Technical Correction: The DOL email address to use to request duplicate approved labor certifications from DOL in paragraphs (9) and (10) of Chapter 22.2(b) of the AFM is revised (in both paragraphs) to read as follows:
    The duplicate

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  • xtetic
    09-10 01:19 PM
    Through paypal
    Item #Contributions 1 $100.00 USD

    I urge everyone to show their support in every little way possible. Kudos to all the members that are helping in organizing this rally, and to everyone who are going to attend it!



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  • chanduv23
    09-13 03:21 PM
    Order Details - Sep 13, 2007 12:40 PM GMT-07:00
    Google Order #949176417011663

    Great, and please make it to the rally

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  • immi_enthu
    08-10 06:14 PM
    Any updates from USCIS regarding lockbox & receipting dates?

    it's still not a week since 08/03/2007 for USCIS :D. they have more 7 days in a week :rolleyes:.


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  • Keeme
    08-14 05:50 PM
    What are you talking about?
    For EB3, DOS had predicted that in the Oct. 2008 VB, dates would be reinstated to the June 2008 (not June 2007) VB dates. This means that if that is still going to be true, Oct. 2008 VB dates would be Nov 2001. Where do you get June 2003 as the EB3 VB dates?

    Am I missing something here? But if your prediction is true, I will buy you dinner!!!
    """The Mexico F2A and Employment Third preference cut-off dates are “unavailable” for both August and September, since those FY-2008 annual limits have been reached. The Visa Office had originally anticipated that this would be a temporary situation. Then with the start of the new fiscal year in October the cut-off dates would have returned to those which had applied during June. However, continued heavy demand in those categories may require the establishment of cut-off dates which are earlier than those which had applied in June. A formal decision determination of the October cut-off dates will not be possible until early September. """

    Let's understand it ! I'm sure you are aware about July 2007 Visa Bulletin fiasco. It made every category "C". Before that in June 2007 bulletin - they moved dates for EB3 & EB2 singnificantly. For EB3 India - it moved from May 2001 to Jun 2003 - People who filed their AOS are 'June' applicants and People who filed because of July 2007 bulletin are 'July/Aug' applicants

    DOS refering to these June applicants means having PD earlier than Jun 2003. I hope its clear to you.

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  • crazy_gc
    07-21 06:45 AM
    dont know about how many they are processing right now but in 2004 this is how many they were processing.

    "The USCIS currently produces approximately 24,000 EADs per week."


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  • karan007
    09-14 09:23 PM
    After reading the thread, couldn't wait to start. Just made my first contribution of $100
    Order Details - Sep 14, 2007 9:26 PM EDT
    Google Order #259932445197419

    Let's go to DC..Chak De

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  • nosightofgc
    09-10 03:45 PM
    Contributed $100 on 09/09/2007.


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  • indio0617
    03-09 11:17 AM
    Sen says: should make methods, process easy for employment authorization...

    They have at least steered off the illegal immig issues for now...:)

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  • go_guy123
    06-11 12:14 PM

    When this July bulletin was released, I had given the following points in that thread.
    I am seriously considering this. Indian economy is going to go leaps and bounds and I dont want to miss out on that. And wait here in the whims and fancies and their ridiculous illogical visa bulletins by these people. They shouldnt harass and take Indians for a ride. We are paying our taxes and all the fees and what not. Still they prefer illegals over us.
    Enough is enough. I have self respect.

    Looking at this visa movement for the past year and the current economy, I am just giving up hope to get GC in this country folks.
    I am seriously thinking about going back to India. The reasons I was proding over are:
    1. Well.. first and foremost, no hope of visa movement in near future.
    2. Employer uncertainty. The company is not doing too well.
    3. Tough job market and US economy will drag like this for another 2-3 years.
    4. If they lay me off, I will have to find another job first. I havent even applied for 485 yet, so no EAD and priority date is Feb 2008
    5. Restart GC again which is another excruciating process - moneywise, timewise.
    6. Wait again in the line for visa movement
    7. No career advancement because cannot jump companies and I am already early 30's. (I am non-IT). Career is stagnant, company doing very small projects.
    8. Cannot even think of having kids because job and life here is hanging by a thread.
    9. Cannot buy a house in this market. Its not that I dont have money, was thinking, if I lose the job, I wont get much time to sell it off and I will have to incur losses.
    10. India is doing well and going to to do well in the future.

    Is anyone else thinking on these lines?

    Hi waitforevergc

    You say that you are in non IT
    If you don't mind which area are you in ? Oil/Mining/Finance sector ?.
    You can try the Canada option like me. Lately Alberta/Canada closed
    the door for IT people, therefore I am wondering if you have other options in Canada.

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  • som_yad
    12-26 06:37 PM
    Filed 486 EAD AP on Aug 16
    Received all Receipts in Oct, Received EAD in Nov.
    But no AP yet and also when I check online it shows
    "Case Status Retrieval Failed
    This Receipt Number cannot be found at this time in ..."

    07-28 07:37 AM
    Hello everyone.
    Please share your experiences if you renewed your NJ DL with EAD renewal notice.

    My nj dl is due for renewal. I have applied for EAD renewal. I have the receipt notice and am working on EAD.


    07-15 10:28 AM

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