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  • TeddyKoochu
    09-07 11:39 AM
    I think there is more smartness needed than luck in the greencard process. If you look at the posts in this thread there are some people that came to USA in 1990s and still waiting, while some that came much later are on their way to citizenship. Some got the EB2 route and are happy and some in EB3 have only gloom before them.

    This in my opinion has helped smart folks among us:

    - They applied for GC as soon as possible. Those who waited did not give importance to Greencard as soon as they started a job in USA are now paying for their mistakes. During the initial days of career I have seen people saying that GC is not important to them etc but when their H1B is about to expire they panic and get desperate for Green Card.

    - Before pre-PERM era in 2005, smart folks took up jobs in states where labor certification had no backlog. They are now either waiting for citizenship or already citizens. On the other hand people in states like CA, NY etc suffered due to labor backlogs and far from getting greencard in hand.

    - Any company can be good or bad for an individual. It it not a question of consulting vs fortune 500 or small vs big size of a company. Smart folks know what matters them the most when they join a company. When company sees them as a valuable asset, it applies for them. I have seen where company applied for GC as soon as the employee joined it. And I have seen posts where people had to wait for several years before company applied.

    - People who took advantage of the Labor substitution got faster labors. Some could take advantage of EB2 labors and they are very fortunate. This is in no way endorsing the labor substitution rule, but in pre 2007 times nobody was protesting against it. This is a sad reality.

    - Smart folks took the risk and changed jobs wth EB2 job requirements, so that they can file in EB2. Such folks with 2007 PD are happy today and people with 2003 PDs in EB3 will have to wait for a long time.

    - If you read posts on this thread, many people have posted that they feel they are being screwed by their employer or lawyer. But hardly anyone has said they took any action against it. This is also a sad reality where we as a community have failed and will continue to suffer.

    - Many folks have said that they thought they were in EB2. But found they are in EB3. This shows another weakness of our community and lack of awareness. IV forum tries to spread the awareness but unless an individual takes initiative, they will suffer.

    Many people were able to file I485 in July 2007 due to IV effort. Imagine a 2004 EB3 India person without EAD today? How will he survive a job loss on H1B in a bad economy? We should take a lesson from that event and try for another big push. There is no other shortcut for us. It is shocking to find people on this thread that are in this country for more than 10 years and without a green card. These folks should be the most vocal folks in this effort.


    Pappu excellent post full of true facts. Being smart in my opinion means being knowledgeable and aware of the current situation at any given point of time rather than being ignorant and indifferent. Most of the time doing some basic research can lead an individual to the right option that is legally consistent and correct, it’s really never too late to correct course. Yes there will be street smart people (Sub labor being one example) who will game the system but besides other things let’s accept that they know how things work. Life is about learning and then What Next? It’s really about continuous improvement and trying to move in the right direction. Not having the desired end result is fine but not doing anything or not trying is bad. Very nice and motivating stories from some of the veteran’s you give us the motivation to hang on. OP you seem to have started a nice discussion.

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  • vkannan
    08-13 05:14 PM
    The Mexico F2A and Employment Third preference cut-off dates" are �unavailable� for both August and September..blah blah..
    MAY BE it talks specifically about "Mexico EB3". otherwise it would have been: "Mexico F2A and all EB3"...

    Good interpreation there bro', too good to be true.

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  • chanduv23
    09-12 01:53 PM
    I am in too...How can we organize all the members...70,000 is a lot of people, Any thing done effectively and efficiently will make an impact.

    That's the main issue we are facing. People come on discussion forums and talk big, but when it comes to actual execution - it is very few people who actually do things and there is no regulation.

    Thats why IV created state chapters where people can organize themselves and follow directives from our lobbyists and collective work towards campaigns

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  • IV2007
    04-08 01:06 PM
    Can someone please respond to this ??

    Myself (primary applicant) and my spouse are on h1 with EADs. If spouse starts a company(issue checks and do all admin work) and still maintain her h1 with old employer, will it invalidate her h1 just because she used EAD? Reason for asking is if some thing goes wrong with 485, can she fall back on h1?


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  • sanprabhu
    07-20 10:02 AM
    Actually it was lost by only 2 votes. Only 95 Senators voted and hence 57 votes would have been enough to carry it through. Really Sad. :(

    That only 57 is required is not correct. The vote needs 60 to pass the motion. If no is totaling up only 37 but if yes is 59 still then it would not pass. Also if the senator is absent then it is considered a NO vote.

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  • willwin
    08-13 03:42 PM
    From Sept 2008 visa bulletin: "The Mexico F2A and Employment Third preference cut-off dates are “unavailable” for both August and September, since those FY-2008 annual limits have been reached. The Visa Office had originally anticipated that this would be a temporary situation. Then with the start of the new fiscal year in October the cut-off dates would have returned to those which had applied during June. However, continued heavy demand in those categories may require the establishment of cut-off dates which are earlier than those which had applied in June. A formal decision determination of the October cut-off dates will not be possible until early September."

    I think we must do something for EB3 category. BTW when is congress coming back from recess? Can we do something on the visa recapture bill??

    I don't think we can do 'anything' about EB3 I. We are 100% at the mercy of USA (politicians, USCIS, DOS or whoever).

    We can write letters, emails, fax, contribute to IV but nothing is gonna help. This is the fact!

    We are not going to get our GC when we need it but only when they give it. And, it is not going to happen anytime sooner.

    The options that we have in front of us (which would work for sure):

    1. Live with this. Don't come to any forum, don't think about VISA bulletin. Take your Gc when it comes to your doorstep. May be by then, we may not need it. We may be tired of being on the same job and GC may not bring any motivation to our career.

    2. Move over to EB2 - If possible, take all the pains of changing job, place of living, unpredictability in PERM queue and I140 queue and move over to EB2. But you never know. One of our Indian brothers might have just won a lawsuit to stop us from moving over!! In that sense, EB3 I is worst than illegals. Least wanted legals in the USA!!

    3. Get out of this country - Give up the American dream and come to reality and start a new dream. May be Canadian dream or Australian dream...

    We are stuck. And, nobody is going to help us. This is hard fact. Believe it.

    Wearing my optimist hat, the only thing I can think of is, whether IV supports it or not (reason I say this is - once we talk about this -the core is going to refer to poor 'high five' collection or 'low number of people calling congressmen' etc. Not blaming them. They have their own issues. For us, the problems are bigger. IV core will not do anything for EB3 I exclusive) some 50-100 EB3 I applicants should go to DC and meet high officials, CHC folks and every department that is influential to EB immigrant VISA and make them understand our plight. No guarantee that this would work. But, we will get a first hand response that may atleast help us to chose from one of 3 options listed above.


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  • villamonte6100
    04-02 12:12 PM
    villamonte6100 please read the first statement again - I was agreeing with D-E-D that USCIS IS GOOD...

    Frankly I am not Australian and I dont care about the friendship your country has with US. Every Country is sucking up to USA for favourable relationship...

    D-E-D's comments - you must be from india and corruption in India is "Trashing" India in my eyes... every country has corruption (you will find Australia and USA on that list as well... granted its all relative) some more and some less. D-E-D comments had a condesending tone for India and that is not cool...

    BTW - If Australia is so then why do you want to be a Sepo so bad... Jokes apart - I agree with you that US is a great country and thats why I chose to move here... I hope you get your green card soon... before me? time will tell...

    Well, next time make your comments on D-E-D, not on my comments. If you have issues with his comments, direct your comments to him not me. That is why I got offended because I did not trash any country.

    I don't understand what's a sepo? So I can't comment on what you are saying "If Australia is so then why do you to be a Sepo so bad..."

    "Every Country is sucking up to USA for favourable relationship... " That's your opinion and I respect that.

    For the green card, I'll bet you I'll get it next month.

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  • maverick_joe
    05-02 04:23 PM
    what king meant was that anyone could apply for 485 and get an EAD which has no work restrictions as a H1 and enjoy the same benifits someone with a GC holds..down the line(after years of wait) even if the 485 gets rejected he/she has njoyed all the privilages or work/travel by getting his/her AP/EAD...

    well damn you king, issue GCs faster then!

    I read here that King said that everyon on EAD and AP is getting a free ride even thought here green card might get rejected. What does he mean by that. I tahught every process goes thorugha security check. such as I 140, H1b, AP and even EAD.


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  • pappu
    03-12 12:01 PM
    Information meant for public will always be shared on the forum. It maybe delayed a bit.

    However direct communication with Admins, Sharing of our strategy, developments etc will only be on donor forum. We do not anyways post it on open forums even now.

    This initiative is to provide some incentive to members who support IV financially. In a couple of days we are launching another service to IV members that will be a big help. It will always be free for everyone and you will appreciate it. We are working on it these days.

    There are some more ideas in the pipeline to even help all IV members. We just have 24 hours in a day, full time jobs and a life of our own. So we are trying to squeeze as much time possible to make this ideas be brought on IV quickly.

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  • Jerrome
    01-10 10:55 AM
    I have been reading all the posts, in my opinion we all came here broadly because of 2 reasons.

    a) Want to earn more money
    We have considered our parents are of Middle Class family and We wanted to be the UPPER Class parents to our childern.

    b) Want to achieve Career Goals.
    We have always considered US is the place where you would find the latest of everything ex. Car, Electronics, Life Style etc.. We wanted to enjoy.

    When time passed these things have got changed in our home country, But at the same time we could not make a decision because of other factors which would influence our Decision.

    In my opinion IF YOU have become a US citizen MENTALLY then you don't think of going back, You have to ask this question to your self. AM i a US Citizen Mentally or Indian Citizen?. If the answer is Yes to US Citizen then having Green card or not having does not matter, you would stick to US and won't think of going back.

    The problem lies with people like me Who could not find a answer to the Question So simply because of following reasons.

    a) Professional Life
    I like to work in US because, i can spend more time with family, i don't have to drive a lot to go to work, i can leave at 6 every day.

    b) Personal Life
    I am afraid because i dont like the family or personal life style here is US. I COULD NOT accustom myself to this life style and i am afraid What if my Kids started behaving like American youngster at his/her 20s and 30s, i am afraid about my 60s.

    c) How much($$$$) do i need to Settle in India.
    when i came to US at first i thought i would go back to india if i have 1 crore, but when time goes by, i came to know that now a days in india people who have 1 Crore are considered as Middle Class, The ultimate reason for me to come here to us is to become UPPER CLASS but the TARGET keeps slipping. Somehow i could not conclude how much i need to go back to INDIA.

    So i am also confused like you guys.


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  • gc4me
    07-06 01:56 PM
    Because I don't have enough time left of my H1B so that I can get a new I-140 approval before my H1B expires. I am in my 7th year. The only option I have is to port my PD. But I don't have I-140 approval copy, only the receipt #.

    why cant u go to another employer...I think if ur current employer is not willing to file 485 for u..then u have NO OPTION BUT TO SWITCH EMPLOYER....

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  • checklaw
    07-05 04:05 PM


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  • willwin
    06-10 01:57 PM
    That is true and IV core member Nixtor had given details about this visa movement more than a month ago in the all state chapter conference call. This call was strictly for state chapter members of all states. IV core has been meeting DOS and USCIS regularly to find solution to the problems our members have been facing.

    Pls take part in the call campaign and contribute funds to be able to find relief.

    I don't follow. Are you saying that DOS is disclosing VISA bulletin to IV (core members) even before the actual date of bulletin???

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  • JunRN
    08-11 12:11 AM
    I think they just pick it, check it, and receive it. No need for them to sort the papers according to the 'time received'.


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  • amitjoey
    03-02 07:01 PM
    Yes, if we do not do anything, then yes, we will only get our GC's as per the calculator- which is 2024 and beyond. If we want it earlier, we need to educate: Get vocal: Vocal about reforming employment based immigration laws. Lobby the government: (which means we need to contribute money to IV to make a war-chest- to pay the lobbyist.), Get noticed: Which means we have to meet our lawmakers.

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  • rkotamurthy
    12-28 06:21 PM
    I just registered on this website today. I like the professionalism and commitment of the members on this forum. I would like to contribute to the efforts in promoting the cause. Please let me know any activities/campaings planned by So Cal members.


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  • Ahimsa
    02-26 03:42 PM
    After 3 years and 3 months, my labor case is certified online today 2/26/07

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  • gsvisu
    07-13 05:07 PM
    My 2.5 Cents.

    We need to start a Letter Campaign next.

    A focussed uniform format with some lead from IV. But now focus on San Jose,CA's rally efforts.

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  • Dakota Newfie
    03-18 09:08 AM
    Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe the "SSN Rule" is meant to keep the illegals form getting the rebate?? Ironically, a lot of them are working using "valid", although stolen, SSN numbers anyway so they'll probably still get it if the IRS doesn't have any other way of weening them out? Again, the legal immigrant community gets punished (indirectly) for the misgivings of the illegals. Just my rambling thoughts...:cool:

    08-11 11:53 PM
    I submitted the 485 without the VSC hoping that it will be ready by the time USCIS issue RFE on this. Do you know when we can expect the RFE after the submission?

    Visa Screen is needed to adjust your status. It is always better to have your visa screen ready. USCIS will send an RFE for that. However, while AOS is pending, EAD can be issued.

    04-14 07:05 AM
    Nope and I just filed for my first exension.

    but my Licences expires on Sept 2008, So I will I be just getting the extension till Sept 2008 and Not 3 year extension.

    That just sounds ridiculous... what does your driver's license have to do with your H1B extension?
    It's true that the length of your H1 extension determines the validity of your DL i.e. if you get an extension until 2010 the DMV will only issue a DL valid till 2010, but the opposite is not true, unless we're living in the Twilight Zone.

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