Sunday, July 3, 2011

Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner

images Kristen Stewart and Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. quot;Taylor Lautner and Kristen
  • quot;Taylor Lautner and Kristen

  • excogitator
    07-19 02:30 AM
    Thank you!! :)

    wallpaper quot;Taylor Lautner and Kristen Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Taylor Lautner Actors Robert
  • Taylor Lautner Actors Robert

  • lost
    07-09 01:08 PM
    Last year I signed affidavit of support forms for my parents and they are already got their immigrant visa. One of my friends needs my help to sign affidavit of support for his brother. My question is how many affidavit of supports one can sign for different people? What are my liabilities if his brother later do some thing wrong in USA?


    I would be more concerned about the medical issues his brother may have (accident, urgent care....) and if you will be held responsible for payments?
    Besides, why can't your friend sign teh affidavit of support for his brother?

    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • amsgc
    05-04 08:30 PM
    can any please indicate correct address to send AC21 to nebraska service center

    I would send it to the address where the I-485 was filed.

    2011 Taylor Lautner Actors Robert Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • delhish
    05-29 10:22 AM

    My In-laws applied for visitor visa on 26th May at Delhi US Embassy. One of them got the passport from VFS after getting VISA for 10 years but other one is still waiting. I am in US on H1B visa with my family.

    We called VFS and they said they did not get the passport back from US Embassy.
    One of my in-law works for Indian government as scientific assistant with food dept.

    It seems right now there is no way we can track what processing is going on?

    Is there any such cases known in the past and what could be the reason for the delay in the passport arrival from US Embassy? Do they perform additional verifications and what time it takes usually?

    Any clues/suggestions?



    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. In This Photo: Kristen Stewart
  • In This Photo: Kristen Stewart

  • sagar770
    08-02 10:28 AM

    I was born in Canada and moved to the U.S. when I was 8 years old. I was naturalized when I was 18 (4 years ago). I heard that when naturalized in the U.S, my Canadian citizenship was not lost (I never filed any paperwork with the Canadian government stating I wanted to give up my Canadian citizenship either). Is this true?

    If so, can I apply for a Canadian passport? Should I do this? Are there any responsibilities/problems/repercussions that could occur if I do this?

    Thanks in advance for any help!

    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart | Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart | Taylor

  • Blog Feeds
    04-26 11:30 AM
    Tough talk from the Senate Majority Leader. Some, including my good friend Tamar Jacoby, think this is a really bad idea. I'm not so sure. I think fear of losing the Hispanic vote for a generation or more and the sudden urgency of the situation created by the Arizona fiasco could make responsible Republicans at least seek to block a filibuster and allow for a majority vote (as seems likely with financial regulatory reform). But Tamar is right that we'll get a better bill if pro-business Republicans play a role since some of the overreaching protectionist efforts of the unions...

    More... (


    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen#39;s The Runaways Joan
  • Kristen#39;s The Runaways Joan

  • gondalguru
    07-08 05:19 PM

    I filed my 485 on June 4th 2007 with NSC. It was transferred to TSC and received my Receipt notice. Now I am going to file my AP.

    My question is where should I file my AP?. Do I need to file with NSC or TSC?.

    Please someone respond.

    Thanks in advance


    2010 Kristen Stewart and Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • monu19_75
    06-16 11:42 PM
    Thank you for your time and I appreciate your effort.

    I have two Approved I-140s (both filed by same company).
    � Filed I-140 & I-485 concurrently with a PD of Nov 2007 (Original Labor) - I-140 Approved and I-485 Pending
    � Filed I-140 with PD March 2005 (Substitution Labor) - I-140 Approved.

    1. I would greatly appreciate if you can let me know what are my options and any relative information (Letter formats etc.)
    2. Can Info-Pass work instead of writing to USCIS?


    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Last night Taylor Lautner and
  • Last night Taylor Lautner and

  • H42H1BHelp
    08-14 01:39 PM
    I graduated in Dec 2008 from USA and then returned back India. My F1 visa is valid till dec 2011 and am planning to come back USA for pursuing my phd. I got I20 from a different university. Do I need to attend for f1 visa stamping again ? . Please help .

    hair Kristen Stewart and Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. From left, Taylor Lautner,
  • From left, Taylor Lautner,

  • pani_6
    07-02 12:11 AM
    Are you emrolled in Emba in Berkely..the cost seems rather high for most mba's 80 K average


    Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • nvrao2104
    07-02 07:04 PM

    Following is my visa status:
    Working for company A on L1B visa which has expired and
    1) L1 extension got approved from company A valid through Aug, 2010.
    2) Also have Consular-H1B petition from same Company A valid till Aug, 2011.
    No H1B visa stamp

    Following are my questions:

    1) I am sure, in my case i can transfer my H1B petition to company B with Consulor appointment. Needed confirmation

    2) As soon as i get laid off from company A, can i immediately apply for H1B peition transfer to Company B with Change of Status (COS)? how much time i have before my L1 gets deactived?

    hot In This Photo: Kristen Stewart Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart, Robert
  • Kristen Stewart, Robert

  • Jaime
    02-22 03:04 PM
    It's true that Obama is focusing on the economy now, but if we do a massive flower campaign now it will get us press and attention and "loosen" things up, then we can go for a second even bigger flower campaign in the spring and in the summer when the previous flower campaign will still be alive in the public's memory. That way people will say "wait, legals? that's different than illegals, and it sounds serious"

    We need to get ourselves noticed! The illegals had Obama on the Hispanic radio show with "Piolin Sotelo" last week. Why aren't we doing anything? We are not cowards, are we? The illegals can but we legals can't?

    Let's not stop with the flowers until we're heard. We send this week, then in a couple of months and so forth until they fix the injustice we're in

    I'll send the first bouquet of flowers to USCIS or DOL or the WHite House if I can get 10 volunteers to send with me. Who's with me? Let's send them this week. Who's in?


    house Kristen Stewart is one lucky Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart, Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart, Taylor

  • Joe77
    07-27 10:05 PM
    perm filed on 03/13/2010. Today my employer HR emailed me that my case was selected for audit. They didn't give me any letter confirming that my case is really selected for audit, on the other hand instructed me to sign ETA form 9089 and send back the original form. ETA form has OMB Approval : 1205-0451. Does that mean that my case has been approved and my employer is lying to me? I read somewhere case filed electronically are needed to be signed and original form be sent back for final processing.
    Please advice.


    tattoo Kristen Stewart | Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart amp; Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart amp; Taylor

  • Macaca
    03-15 10:35 AM
    Who Sizzles and Who Fizzles (

    The nonpartisan ( released rankings of the most powerful legislators in Congress this week, and just as interesting as the newly empowered were those hovering at the bottom of the list. Predictably, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid topped the list, and the list quickly moved to committee chairmen with muscle.

    The rankings took into account the legislators' ability to get things done by the traditional paths of leadership positions and committee assignments but left room for the "sizzle" factor -- reserved for those who "exert or possess power that can't be measured by these standard measures." Specifically mentioned in this category were three presidential candidates, Sens. John McCain (18th), Hillary Clinton (12th) and Barack Obama (27th).

    Sen. Elizabeth Dole, sadly, was not given points for sizzle -- or much else, for that matter. She ranked as the 95th most powerful senator. Yes, that is out of 100. Vying for the bottom rung was also Sen. George Voinovich, who despite serving since 1998 ranked 90th. And as if he hasn't already had a bad year (or two), Rep. William Jefferson came in dead last in the House, awarded negative "fizzle" points due to scandal. Being accused of stashing a $90,000 bribe in his freezer was bound to affect something, since it tipped neither his reelection campaign nor his ability to get a committee assignment.


    pictures Kristen#39;s The Runaways Joan Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • muralip
    07-11 09:28 AM
    My attorney want's to file my I-485 now to have a receipt that it is filed and sent back by USCIS. This shows up that I was capable of filing in July but I could not because USCIS did not accept on the last minute.

    The Idea behind is that it will give advantage to my application if AILF wins the case.

    Please let me know is this a good thing to do at this stage.

    dresses Kristen Stewart, Robert Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart and Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart and Taylor

  • Blog Feeds
    09-11 12:00 PM
    A voice of reason in the GOP on immigration departs. He will be missed in this process. In the mean time, Florida's new Senator, George LeMieux, is certainly not sounding like a fighter for immigration reform. According to the Orlando Sentinel: LeMieux appears likely to steer clear of Martinez's controversial attempts to overhaul immigration law, which would include a path to citizenship for the undocumented. 'We need tosecure our borders,' LeMieux said. 'After we do that, we can figure what happens to people already here.'

    More... (


    makeup Last night Taylor Lautner and Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart is one lucky
  • Kristen Stewart is one lucky

  • jrad
    07-23 08:48 PM
    Can we apply for I - 485 without having the I -140 receipt notice.What is the work around so that I dont miss the Aug 17,2007 date for filing I -485.Are there any chances that my I - 45 will be rejected, or will I ge an RFE.
    My I - 140 was applied during the 2nd week of July, 2007.


    girlfriend Kristen Stewart amp; Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart
  • Taylor Lautner Kristen Stewart

  • vaishnavilakshmi
    07-09 07:35 PM

    Yes,there is a topic mentioned that AILF's legal actoin center seeks more palintiffs on EB visa number availability!And is going to update the details soon on this topic in their website.Probably after sometime,it would be posted.

    Refer to after few hours.


    hairstyles Kristen Stewart and Taylor Kristen Stewart And Taylor Lautner. Kristen Stewart amp; Taylor
  • Kristen Stewart amp; Taylor

  • whoever
    03-24 12:41 AM
    how did you get h1 without quota?

    Blog Feeds
    12-23 04:40 PM
    Certain voices in the nursing community are trying to make the argument that there is no nursing shortage and we need to keep protectionist policies in place. But there has been a great deal compelling evidence pointing in only one direction for many years - a nurse shortage that is already bad and will grow much worse in decades to come. Here's an article from CNN/Money that is certainly scary. And 30 million more patients are about to gain access to health care under the reform bill on the verge of passage in Congress. If we don't have enough nurses...

    More... (

    08-02 08:57 AM
    This is my first stamp...

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